Product liability book on the table with gavel on top.

You probably don’t think twice about the products you purchase. Anything you can buy in a store should be harmless and effective, right? Unfortunately, not all consumer products are safe for you and your family. Some companies cut corners and deliver unsafe products to the marketplace. These defective products can cause significant injuries to you or your family.

At Edwards & Patterson Law, our experienced Tulsa product liability lawyers understand how a defective or dangerous product can impact you and your loved ones. Defective products can cause significant injuries and lead to financial uncertainty as you recover. Our team wants to help you hold manufacturers accountable and pursue justice and compensation for your losses.

Do you want to learn more about what a Tulsa product liability attorney can do for you? Contact our office today for a free case review.

What Is Oklahoma’s Product Liability Law?

Oklahoma law allows consumers injured by defective and dangerous products to use the legal system to seek compensation for their injuries and related losses. Product liability is a civil remedy that allows injury victims to hold companies strictly liable for failing to protect the consumer.

What Are the Common Types of Product Liability Cases?

Product liability claims typically fall into one of three categories depending on the nature of the defective product. These categories include:

  • Defective design – Defective design claims hinge on a product’s actual design or basic concept. Defectively designed products have an inherent flaw in their design, concept, or composition. Products with design defects are manufactured correctly, but core design flaws prevent the product from working as intended. A defective design typically impacts an entire product line.
  • Manufacturing defect – One of the most common product liability cases involves manufacturing defects. These defects occur when a manufacturing line has a problem or error. The product concept is solid, but the way it gets manufactured is flawed due to mistakes, production line errors, or alternative and substandard materials. Often, manufacturing defects only impact a product batch, not the entire product line.
  • Failure to warn – Companies must include detailed instructions and warning labels outlining their product’s intended use, proper care and handling, and potential safety hazards. Not warning consumers with reasonable labels and instructions can lead to a “failure to warn” product liability case.

What Should I Do If I Was Injured by a Defective Product?

Your first reaction may be to throw the junk product in the trash. However, your actions after a defective product accident can have significant effects when you seek compensation for your injuries. If a defective product injures you or a loved one, take the following steps to protect yourself and maximize your claim:

  • Seek medical attention immediately – Always see a doctor for any injuries you’ve sustained from a defective product. You are protecting your health and safety, and your medical records can help support your case.
  • Keep the product – Do not throw away the defective product. Collect as many pieces as you can and store them and the product in a safe location. Never alter or change the product in any way.
  • Talk to an attorney – Large companies and manufacturers have lawyers and insurers working for them. You should, too. Contact an experienced Tulsa product liability attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case and options for pursuing compensation.
  • Stay off social media – You may want to warn others or bring attention to the company. Suppress the urge to take to social media or review sites to air your complaints. Insurers and opposing attorneys can find your posts and potentially use them against you to reduce the value of your claim or discredit your case.

What Is Needed to Prove a Tulsa Product Liability Case?

You’ll need evidence to prove that the product was defective or unreasonably dangerous when you bought it, that your injuries occurred when you were using the product as intended, and that you suffered losses because of your injuries.

The defective product itself is evidence in a product liability case. Keep the medical records that detail your treatment along with your bills and copies of receipts for any money you’ve paid because of your injuries. If the product was recalled, that information can also be proof in your case. Your attorney will know what evidence will support a solid case.

What Damages Could I Receive in a Product Liability Case?

The value of a product liability case depends on the severity of your injuries and the unique circumstances of the accident. It is always wise to enlist the help of a Tulsa product liability attorney to evaluate your claim and calculate the value of your losses. Insurers want to settle for pennies on the dollar. An attorney can aggressively negotiate on your behalf for fair compensation.

In most cases, you can pursue compensation for your:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

Before accepting compensation from an insurance company or manufacturer, discuss the specifics of your case with a knowledgeable product liability lawyer to be sure the offer is fair.

What Is the Time Limit in Oklahoma for Filing a Product Liability Lawsuit?

If filing a lawsuit is your best option for recovering compensation, you have a strict time limit for starting your case. Oklahoma gives you two years from the injury date to file a product liability lawsuit against a manufacturer or other entity. Failing to file within the given time can result in your case’s dismissal, which could mean you’ll miss out on securing compensation for your injuries.

Get an attorney on your side as soon as possible. A Tulsa product liability lawyer can manage strict legal deadlines and outline the best strategy for seeking compensation.

Contact a Tulsa Product Liability Lawyer

At Edwards & Patterson Law, our experienced Tulsa product liability lawyers want to help you hold the manufacturers of defective products accountable. Dangerous products have no place on store shelves or in the hands of your family. Contact our Tulsa office today for a free case evaluation. Our team is ready to help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Visit Our Tulsa Product Liability Law Offices