In most cases, pedestrians only have the right of way when crossing the street at a marked crosswalk or intersection. However, pedestrians must obey any traffic control devices applicable to pedestrians when doing so. When walking down the street, pedestrians must use sidewalks whenever available. When they are not, pedestrians should walk as far to […]
Were you hit by a motorist while you were walking? You can file a claim after a pedestrian accident to seek compensation for your injury. The negligent driver who caused the crash is financially responsible for your medical care and other expenses – and their liability auto insurance carrier should pick up the tab. Will the Driver’s […]
Auto accidents involving pedestrians are among the most dangerous. This is because pedestrians have almost nothing to protect them when struck by a vehicle weighing a few tons or more. Even low-speed pedestrian accidents can lead to devastating consequences. While many factors may contribute to pedestrian accidents, negligence and recklessness are the leading causes. At Edwards […]