Tulsa Commercial Vehicle Accident Attorney

Edwards & Patterson Law has recovered multi-million-dollar settlements and verdicts for injured parties across Oklahoma. We fight hard for our clients because we care about their futures and want them to have the monetary resources they need to heal.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a collision, our Tulsa commercial vehicle accident attorney can help you pursue full and fair compensation. Our legal team has decades of experience we can use to build your case and fight for your rights. Do not pay for someone else’s mistakes. Instead, let us help you seek justice. Contact us online or call today for a free consultation.

What Are Common Causes of Tulsa Commercial Vehicle Accidents?

A Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) study found that driver error is the primary cause of nearly 90 percent of large truck accidents. Truck driver negligence includes:

Commercial vehicle accidents can also result from cargo problems, roadway issues, or mechanical troubles, including:

  • Shifting or unsecured cargo
  • Overloaded cargo
  • Cargo falling from trucks
  • Negligent road maintenance
  • Harmful or dangerous road designs
  • Broken or obstructed traffic signals and signs
  • Brake failure
  • Defective tires
  • Engine problems
  • Negligent truck maintenance
  • Lack of safety features, like mirrors and underride guards

What Are Common Injuries in a Commercial Vehicle Collision?

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), commercial trucks can weigh up to 30 times as much as passenger vehicles. The force of impact of such a large vehicle can cause devastating damage in a collision, which is why truck accident victims often suffer devastating injuries like the following:

If a negligent truck driver or other liable party caused the crash, you should not have to pay for expensive medical treatment or other losses. You deserve compensation to help you get back on your feet. Our truck accident attorneys can tirelessly pursue the money you need to care for yourself or your injured loved one.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Tulsa Commercial Vehicle Accident?

Liability for the commercial vehicle accident will rest with the party whose negligent actions or other legal fault caused the crash. In most cases, this will be the commercial vehicle driver.

Depending on the circumstances, you may also have a claim against the trucking company. If the driver is a company employee, the carrier is liable for their negligent actions under a legal principle known as vicarious liability. The trucking company may have also acted negligently by failing to train or vet drivers, skipping mandatory alcohol and drug screenings, or putting pressure on drivers to meet unreasonable delivery schedules.

Other liable parties may include:

  • The owner of the cargo
  • The entity that loaded the truck
  • The owner of the commercial vehicle (if not the driver or trucking company)
  • A mechanic or maintenance company
  • A private property owner
  • A government entity
  • A vehicle or auto parts manufacturer

Our Tulsa personal injury lawyers can investigate your truck accident case, determine all liable parties, and pursue every claim you’re entitled to bring. That way, we can effectively seek maximum compensation on your behalf.

truck accidents

What Should I Do If I Am in an Accident with a Commercial Vehicle?

If you are in a semi-truck accident, you should gather as much information as possible at the scene if you are physically able. Take photographs of the crash site, vehicle damage, and your injuries. Take note of the involved vehicles’ make, model, and license plate numbers and get contact, insurance, and license information from the involved drivers.

If you did not receive emergency medical care at the time of the crash, visit a doctor as soon as possible. Seeing a physician will protect you from undiagnosed or worsening injuries and create a medical record for your case. Attend all follow-up appointments, follow your doctor’s orders, and do not participate in activities that could aggravate your condition.

After ensuring your health, there are a few other simple things you can do to increase your chances of a successful settlement or verdict:

  • Keep records of your treatment, medical bills, and accident-related expenses.
  • Do not post about the collision or your injuries on social media.
  • Do not admit fault to the insurance company or speculate on the cause of the accident.
  • Do not agree to give the insurance company a recorded statement.
  • Do not accept an initial, potentially lowball, settlement offer.
  • Tell insurance agents or opposing counsel to direct future communications through your lawyer.

Can I Receive Compensation from a Tulsa Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawsuit?

If someone else is responsible for your injuries, you can hold them financially accountable through an insurance claim or lawsuit. Our firm will aggressively seek the maximum compensation possible, which may include:

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Lost income and employment benefits
  • Lost future income and reduced earning capacity
  • Household services
  • Vehicle repair or replacement
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and mental anguish
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

What Is the Time Limit in Oklahoma for Filing an Accident Lawsuit?

According to Oklahoma law, the time limit for most personal injury cases is two years from the date of the collision. If you do not file your lawsuit before the deadline expires, the court will likely bar you from taking legal action. You will also lose your bargaining power with the insurance companies. Our lawyers can help you get started before time runs out.

Contact a Tulsa Commercial Vehicle Accident Lawyer

You do not have to stand up to the trucking company, an insurance company, or their lawyers alone. Edwards & Patterson Law can be your advocate and ally. Our Tulsa commercial vehicle accident attorneys are here to shoulder your legal burden so you can focus on healing. Contact us today or call to learn more about your rights during a free consultation.

Visit Our Tulsa Commercial Vehicle Accident Law Offices